Linking to the USA REALTY Web site
Placing a link from your web site to the UNITED SALES ASSOCIATES REALTY, INC. Web site means that you provide a hypertext connection from your location on the Web to ours, using an HTML command such as:
< href=http://www.usarealtyhomes.com> UNITED SALES ASSOCIATES REALTY, INC. Homepage on the Web</A>
Creating a link to the USA REALTY Web site or any area within the website does not require permission. However, a link that is contained within a frame can only be approved if the link opens within a separate window, and the UNITED SALES ASSOCIATES REALTY INC. Homepage url is clearly visible in the location bar. Permission is required in the following situations:
  1. Our logo or trademark will be used as a link button.
  2. Your website is composed entirely of links and users are charged a fee for access to your site.
To reprint, copy or distribute USA REALTY material or in any of these cases to request permission write to rjp@usarealtyhomes.com
Permission is also required when mirroring an article of information, that is copying our information articles and posting them on your Website.

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